• Courses: B.A.English., M.A. English & Tamil, B.Sc.Maths., B.Sc.Physics., B.Com., M.Com., B.Com.CA., B.Sc. & M.Sc. Computer Sience, B.Sc.Chemistry, B.A Tamil, B.Sc Botany
98402 89788, 94422 60221

B.A English | M.A English



About the Department

Year of Establishment-June 2016 The department of English provides Under Graduate and Post Graduate as well, the PG course was established in the academic year of 2019-2020, the departmentestablished itself as a stronghold to study literature oriented skill development programmes like creative writing,personality development,phonology,communication skills, presentation skills, journalist skills acquire them to face the world with competence and also engage spoken English classes with integrated courses in various other allied disciplines.The students will study modern literature,novel,and poetry with understanding their implied meanings in the phase part of Similes,Metaphors and Interpretations.Their writing skills and reading of literature will widen their perspectives,to strengthen English communication skills; association programmes like workshops, seminars, conferences, motivational programmes are conducted to enrich knowledge to the students.

Scope for Further Studies
      M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., B.Ed., M.Ed.,

Job Opportunities
      Journalist,Advertising,Script writer,Research and Translation,English teacher,Publishing,Story teller,Freelancewriter,Receptionist,consultancy,Spoken English Classes,IAS Coaching classes and competitive Exams.



  • To provide opportunities to explore literature and language across cultures,race & creed to motivate women students for higher studies and job placement to face the future life with high sense of discipline and character.
  • Mission

  • To inculcate/enhance intellectual curiosity,creativity and the desire for lifelong learning with effective use of language and aspirations of English literature and language.