Our Services

UG & PG Courses : B.A. Tamil & English., M.A. Tamil & English, B.Sc.Maths., B.Sc.Physics., B.Com., M.Com., B.Com.CA., B.Sc. & M.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc.Chemistry, B.Sc Botany

Gandhi Institutions are flourishing admirably at Nallur Kandampalayam, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu,

“An optimist finds opportunity in Every difficulty.
Shri A.Shanmugasundaram
Welcome at our Institution
The chairman Shri A.Shanmugasundaram is a competent administrator, stringent and fastidious person who realised the immense need of providing education for the post school students of their native villages from 1985 running with Matric School. So he founded a college for women in the name of our national father ‘ Gandhiji’ in the academic year 2015-2016, and it came to service with five Under Graduate courses namely B.A.English., B.Sc.Maths., B.Sc.Physics., B.Com., B.Com.CA., and in the next academic year 2016-2017 added with two Under Graduate courses namely B.Sc.Computer Science and B.Sc.Chemistry.
The Department is committed to provide quality education, by imparting in depth- subject knowledge.
To provide opportunities to explore literature and language across cultures, race & creed to motivate women students.
To create new and young entrepreneurs, Moulding students in pursuing higher studies including civil services.
To provide scientific inquiry for establishing unique skills in the young mind of all students.
To upgrade performance standards in the field of mathematics in order to be a leading department in academic arena.
Comp Science
To foster the quality education in computer science to the students to computate the challenges in the IT world.